Bhagwan Shiva’s 7 Indicators of Yoga Siddhi

Bhagwan Shiva’s 7 Indicators of Yoga Siddhi

In the Dharmic tradition, Bhagwan Shiva is known as Adi Yogi – as in the first Yogi. He is credited with developing the system of Hatha Yoga and teaching it to his consort Devi Parvati. The Shiva Samhita is the dialogue between Bhagwan Shiva and Devi Parvati in which he teaches her the secrets of Hatha Yoga.

As Yoga instructor Faye Martins accurately summarizes, the Shiva Samhita includes instructions on proper performance of Yoga asanas, mudras, pranayams, meditation, tantric practices as well as the finer points of abstract Yogic philosophy. I thought it would be beneficial for all to share one of the great gems from the Shiva Samhita that applies to every goal-driven aspect of life – and that is the Seven Indicators of Yoga Siddhi.
Below you will find the original Sanskrit text, Hindi explanation, and finally, a very brief commentary on the same.

1-The Seven Indicators of Yoga Siddhi – as per Shiva Samhita (Sanskrit)

2-Basic Hindi Translation

Bhagwan Shiva explains to Devi Parvati that there are seven indicators of Yoga Siddhi:

1. One must have a clear and defined Laksha (goal/ambition)

2. One must have Shraddha (reverence) for his/her ideology

3. One must perform Guru puja (prayer to the spiritual master who guides one from the darkness of ignorance to the vibrant light of knowledge)

4. One must keep the mind in equilibrium and not suffer from inferiority or superiority complexes. In other words, hopelessness in defeat or arrogance in victory should be avoided.

5. One must have self-restraint (control of the senses)

6. One must have a balanced diet. Nourishment should be provided to one’s body, mind and Atma. A Sattvic diet is recommended by most Siddhas

7. As for the seventh indicator, there is no seventh indicator

As one can clearly see, Bhagwan Shiva also has a great sense of humour (Re: The seventh indicator). The applicability of Bhagwan Shiva’s seven indicators is rather evident. For example, a musician who wishes to achieve name and fame can only do so if the seven indicators are present in his/her daily practice. In the same way, a sprinter cannot become an Olympic Gold Medalist without the same discipline. Even a successful tech Guru like Steve Jobs or Sundar Pichai have demonstrated the same. You have just been introduced to one small passage from Shiva Samhita. Imagine how much more one can attain from and benefit by reading and applying all that is available in the original source material.

Yours in Dharma
Abhaya Shanker Dube


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